PoliticsInstitutional, Politics

Cameroon : Cameroon Hosts Commonwealth Conference

Cavaye Yeguie Djibril, President of the National Assembly, on March 22 cheered a preparatory meeting to receive his peers from…

Cavaye Yeguie Djibril, President of the National Assembly, on March 22 cheered a preparatory meeting to receive his peers from African nations members of the Commonwealth.


The Yaounde Conference Centre is the venue for the preparations for the 18th Conference of Presiding Officers of African Commonwealth Assemblies. The event will take place from 13 to 22 July 2023 this year in Cameroon.

To ensure that the meeting is held properly, the Right Honourable Cavaye Yeguie Djibril supervised the meeting on March 22, prior to the conference. With Hon. Mary Muyali as coordinator, the latter stressed that 20 countries are expected in Cameroon with 20 presidents of National Assemblies and about 300 people who will take the direction of the  Yaounde Conference Centre.

For this conference, Cameroon, as the host country, Cameroon will present a document on climate change. The document will mainly focus on the involvement of parliamentarians in this fight.

16 of the 17 existing sub-committees are headed by members of the National Assembly and include Senators and staff from the National Assembly. The next planning meeting will take place on Thursday March 30th, 2023.


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