HealthHealth, News

Cameroon Launches New Strategic Plan To Fight Malaria

The national strategic plan piloted by the Ministry of Public Health aims at strengthening prevention and management of the disease.…

The national strategic plan piloted by the Ministry of Public Health aims at strengthening prevention and management of the disease.

The 6th edition of the National Strategic Plan to Fight Malaria aims to ensure universal and equitable access to the most effective interventions for the prevention and management of malaria, at an affordable cost, for all Cameroonian populations, including the most vulnerable and disadvantaged. Just over three hundred and thirty-six billion nine hundred and fifty-five million forty-four thousand three hundred and fifty CFA francs will be needed to implement the programme.


To date, projections show that only 149,983,394,010 CFA francs have been mobilised, leaving a financial gap of more than 186 billion CFA francs for the period 2024-2028, or 55% of the needs expressed. Analysis of these figures and the size of the gap to be filled underlines the need to continue mobilising funds, both locally and from our partners,’ said Dr Malachie MANAOUDA. According to data reported by several health facilities, 2,977,754 confirmed cases of malaria were recorded in 2023, representing 28% of consultations. 1,243,053 hospital admissions were due to malaria. Malaria-related deaths in the same year were 1,756, or 7% of all deaths.


These figures show a downward trend compared with previous years. In particular, the number of deaths fell by 29% between 2022 and 2023. As a reminder, children under 5 and pregnant women are the target groups most affected by malaria. As a reminder, children under 5 and pregnant women are the target groups most affected by malaria. 1200 cases of malaria were recorded among children.


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