The United Nations Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Central Africa organized on April 5th 2023 a round table of experts to strategize on the effective implementation of Democracy in Cameroon .
Over the years , the exercise of democratic freedom in Cameroon has become questionable. Major actors of democracy such as Ministry of Justice , Communication, Media, civil society actors and Elecam had the opportunity during this sitting to identify persistent challenges and options to ensure respect for freedoms, human rights and democracy .
These entities aimed at identifying and analyzing challenges faced by citizens and other actors in democratic processes , therefore strengthening the democracy forum in Cameroon . This should result to formulating relevant recommendations that will enable the public authorities to better guarantee the exercise of democratic freedoms during elections or not .
Elecam who was represented by Ntonye Njoya Stated that this institution respects and guarantees freedom in Cameroon . They safeguard liberty both on for the individual and collectives . Elecam gives room for citizens the choice to vote or not , and also the right to file petitions at various jurisdictions. The elections body only encourages and motivates citizens to complete their civic duty by voting .
The creation of Elecam is a considerable step in the democratization process in Cameroon. taking into consideration the short comings of ELECAM, the civic society which was represented by Cameroon Ô Bosso recommends that , ELECAM needs to do more to demonstrate its neutrality and inspire the confidence of the electorate in all elections. In this connection, it would be helpful if measures are taken to enhance the institutional autonomy of ELECAM in a bid to enhance democracy in Cameroon.

Civil actors complain of the realities faced on the ground. The constitution predicts equality , liberty , innocent until proven guilty , freedom of expression as indicated by the 1990 law on social communication.
Bergevin Ngoumou , a civil actor states that “ Most of these texts are clearly not respected . We are arrested and imprisoned after a pacific walk or when we fight for our rights. This is abuse of human rights . Cameroon is democratic on papers and not on the ground . Associations demands that the law on liberty and democracy be respected “
Meanwhile the National Communication Council NCC precise that they will continue guiding and protection the media in exercising their profession in all liberty and respect of its code and ethics .
The regional Adviser of the centre for human rights and democracy in central Africa Abdoulaye TRAORE believes that the strategy Put in place by the Democracy forum is slowly but surely being effective . Elecam , ministry of Justice and Communication institutions all work in synergy so Cameroonians can feel free to fully enjoy their human rights.
Nevertheless , public opinion holds that , democracy remains a flattery to the nation . Journalist are killed after practicing their profession . We know of recent boiling cases like Martinez ZOGO and Samuel Wazizi . Opposition is still oppressed after any manifestation , Cameroonians do not feel the need to vote as they fear their voices will not count . It is a constant cycle of fear under an autocratic management style veiled in the said Democracy .
The United Nations Human Rights together with Government entities still have a lot to do to implement effective democracy. It will be necessary to involve non governmental organizations and opposition parties to advance in the fight for human rights and freedom in Cameroon .