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Telecommunications: Cameroon Hosts 8th Sub-Saharan Spectrum Conference

The event, organised by Global Forum under the auspices of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of Cameroon and the…

The event, organised by Global Forum under the auspices of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications of Cameroon and the African Telecommunications Union (ATU), opened in Yaoundé on 3 August.


The 8th Sub-Saharan Spectrum Conference, shortened to Africa Spectrum 2023, opened in Yaoundé last 3 August 2023. The conference  focused on the challenges posed by satellite services, which are increasingly being used for radio communications across the continent.

According to René Emmanuel Sadi, Cameroon’s Minister of Communications, “This 8th conference aimed to place sub-Saharan Africa in the context of ongoing developments” in the field of digital technologies.

The two-day event was also the opportunity to work on preparations for the World Radio-communication Conference 2023 (WRC-23), which will offer an opportunity to consolidate regional positions and overcome remaining challenges, and to reflect on the future of the 470-694MHz band in order to maximise its socio-economic value in Africa, define the timing of the decision on the issue of the band above 6GHz, maximise efficiency and balance the various needs in the 3.5GHz band.

In his opening speech, the Minister of Communications said that the main conclusions and proposals to emerge from the conference “will provide operational solutions for universal connectivity and sustainable digital transformation, in line with the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals”.

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