
S/Africa: Opposition stage demo against energy crisis

South Africa's main opposition Democratic Alliance party on Wednesday mobilised thousands of its supporters in a demonstration in the streets…

South Africa’s main opposition Democratic Alliance party on Wednesday mobilised thousands of its supporters in a demonstration in the streets of Johannesburg to protest against the country’s “African National Congress-engineered energy crisis”.During a march to the ANC head offices, the official opposition also blamed the ruling party’s cadre deployment, which it is challenging in court, for the problems at state-run power utility Eskom. 

Several streets in the Johannesburg central business district were closed as the protesters made their way to Luthuli House, the ANC headquarters, to voice their concern over the current rolling blackouts.

Meanwhile, the ANC Youth League condemned the DA march, saying it was a misplaced agenda.

“They are actually talking about government and yet they are directing their efforts to the ANC as a party,” ANC spokesperson Pule Mabe said.

The official accused the DA of “preparing grounds for next year’s electioneering.” 

“The ANC has already said it will stand on the side of the people and contribute towards finding lasting solutions to the energy crisis. We have invited civil society and industry experts today to participate in our energy dialogue.”

President Cyril Ramaphosa has reassured the South Africans that his government was committed to reducing the severity of the blackouts on households and businesses, with six power stations identified over the next few months to recover additional capacity.

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