Cameroon: School Feeding Programme Under Evaluation

More than 60 people attended a workshop held last week in Mbankomo, Centre Region, to present the McGovern-Dole (MGD) International…

More than 60 people attended a workshop held last week in Mbankomo, Centre Region, to present the McGovern-Dole (MGD) International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Project. The workshop was opened by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Basic Education, Adams Daniel Oyono. The event was attended by the US Ambassador to Cameroon, Christopher John Lamora. With the distribution of 25 million food rations to 180,000 pupils in 240 schools in the East, North, Adamaoua and North-West regions, among others, the project has had positive results. It has also led to an increase in the enrolment rate in the target schools.

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