
Ivorian education-training sector put under review

The ministers in charge of education and training are committed to playing their part “fully and completely” by creating the…

The ministers in charge of education and training are committed to playing their part “fully and completely” by creating the necessary conditions for quality training to ensure decent socio-professional integration of youth.A sectoral review of education and training for the 2021-2022 budget year, organized by the Ministry of Education and Literacy, was opened on Thursday 19 January 2023 in Abidjan-Plateau, at the Maison de l’entreprise.

During two days, actors of the education-training sector will evaluate the education and training system, in order to allow an adequacy between the training and the socio-economic development of the country.

The session was attended by the Minister of National Education and Literacy, Mariatou Kone, the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Adama Diawara and the Minister of Technical Education, Vocational Training and Apprenticeship, Nguessan Koffi.

It also saw the participation of actors and partners of the education-training sector. 

Mrs. Mariatou Kone, who chaired the opening ceremony, recalled the interest of the Head of State and the government in the issue of education.

According to her, this shows the political will of leaders to improve the levers of education and training. 

This initiative is also in line with the vision of the Ivorian Head of State who, in his New Year’s message, declared 2023 the year of youth.

The reflections that will come out of this sector review will enable the government to make the necessary investments to improve access to education, the quality of education and the governance of the sub-sectors of the education system.

“The Minister of National Education and Literacy, Mariatou Kone, recalled that the education-training sector is a major focus of the government’s ambition to make schools the “foundation of sustainable development in Cote d’Ivoire.”

The leader of the local group of education partners, Sadina Vigani welcomed the meeting, wishing that it be institutionalized on a specific date because of its importance. She welcomed the achievements, but noted that efforts remain to be made to ensure greater efficiency in the results.

“The performance report prepared by the task force shows a mixed picture overall. The number of indicators that are moving in the right direction has indeed gradually increased over the years, but for many of them, the expected results are still not on the agenda,” she said.

However, she remains optimistic about the new advances, noting that the first phase of the sectoral plan carried out between 2017 and 2022 has enabled innovative projects to be established, but it remains to be implemented on a national scale for the benefit of all learners.

For this, she noted, technical and financial partners mobilize resources to achieve results.

“In the second phase of implementation of the sector plan, enlightened leadership of the first officials, strengthened steering, good governance, as well as the commitment of all stakeholders will play an essential role in accelerating the projects,” said Sadina Vigani.

For the coordinator of the Task Force of the education-training sector, Mamadou Binate, it will be during these two days of work to review the activities carried out and consider the prospects for improving the Ivorian education system.

Regarding the achievements, he mentioned the increase in the rate of access to education, thanks to the numerous educational infrastructures built throughout the country. 

The issue of the quality of training and socio-professional integration is being studied.

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