
Guinean gendarmes summon prominent activist

The former national coordinator of the National Front for the Defense of the Constitution (FNDC) Abdourahmane Sano was invited to…

The former national coordinator of the National Front for the Defense of the Constitution (FNDC) Abdourahmane Sano was invited to the Directorate of Judicial Investigations of the Gendarmerie. By Siddy Koundara Diallo

When contacted by APA’s correspondent in Conakry, Mr. Sano said “the only thing I was told is that I was at a meeting but what they mean by that, I cannot tell”.

Sano is one of the leaders of the civil society in Guinea who campaigned staunchly against a third term for President Alpha Conde, before he was deposed in a military coup on September 5th, 2021.

The Coordinator of the National Platform of Citizens United for Development (PCUD), one of the major organizations of Guinean civil society, quit as head of the FNDC in February 2022.

Like the other members of the group which was dissolved by the junta under the National Committee of the Rally for Development (CNRD), Abdourahmane Sano does not hesitate to show his disagreement with some decisions by the Guinean transition authorities.

This is particularly the case when the CNRD banned demonstrations and imprisoned his former FNDC collaborators, including Fonike Mengue, Ibrahima Diallo and political leaders critical of the leadership of junta leader Mamadi Doumbouya.

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