
Guinean court frees ex parliamentary speaker

The Special Control Chamber of the Court of Repression of Economic and Financial Offences (CRIEF)in Guinea has ordered the release…

The Special Control Chamber of the Court of Repression of Economic and Financial Offences (CRIEF)in Guinea has ordered the release of Amadou Damaro Camara, a former National Assembly Speaker.In detention since 26 April 2022 following the dissolution of the National Assembly by the junta on September 5, 2021, Amadou Damaro Camara was arraigned for “alleged misappropriation of public funds, corruption, illicit enrichment, money laundering”, involving an amount of 15 billion GNF. 

His lawyers had filed a request before the Special Control Chamber of the Court of Repression of Economic and Financial Offences for his release.

 On January 12, 2023, a decision was rendered in his favour. 

The upper chamber of this special court set up by the transitional authorities, ordered him to be freed. 

When contacted by APA, one of the lawyers of the former president of the National Assembly, expressed satisfaction at the turn of event involving his client.

 The prosecutor’s last word

 “I am satisfied and very happy with this decision. We are now waiting for the reaction of the Special Prosecutor to see if he will lodge an appeal in the Court of Cassation,” said the lawyer, noting that “the time limit for the appeal and the appeal are suspensive,” citing the criminal code.

 In addition to confirming the order of release of Mr. Camara, the Special Chamber of Control of the CRIEF has removed the bond of three billion five hundred million Guinean francs that was claimed from him.

 The lawyer also insists on their client’s state of health which may have deteriorated. 

“Amadou Damaro Camara is ill and the first human right is the right to health and the right to life. The appeal we can make to the Special Prosecutor of the CRIEF, is to agree to execute the ruling made today (Thursday, January 12) so that Mr. Amadou Damaro can go for treatment, “said his lawyer.

 In Guinea, several former top guns of the regime of deposed President Alpha Conde are in prison. 

They have been prosecuted for alleged misappropriation of public funds. 

This is the case for former Prime Minister Ibrahima Kassory Fofana who has been in prison since April 2022 and whose requests for provisional release have been systematically rejected by the Court of Cassation on appeal by the prosecutor.


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