
Fuel : Cameroon Bans Exports , Authorises Sale in Gallons

According to the Minister of Water and Energy, this measure is ideal due to difficulties encountered in local the distribution…

According to the Minister of Water and Energy, this measure is ideal due to difficulties encountered in local the distribution of fuel.



A communique titled “Authorisation to sell fuel in cans and other containers to households” was  sent on 21 March 2023 to companies distributing petroleum products operating in Cameroon, by the Minister of Water and Energy, Gaston Eloundou Essomba. The member of the government thus prescribed to marketers to sell fuel in cans of maximum 100 litres.

Following the difficulties that users are experiencing in obtaining fuel (super, diesel or paraffin) from fuel stations, for use in the operation of certain household equipment, I have the honour to inform you that I authorise, exceptionally, the sale of the said products to users in cans and other containers in your fuel stations, for domestic use. However, the volumes sold to a user should not exceed one hundred (100) litres for each product”  Gaston Eloundou Essomba wrote.

However, it is understood that the sale of petroleum products in drums and cubitainers at fuel stations to companies or for export to neighbouring countries is strictly prohibited.

Gaston Eloundou Essomba is thus canceling after nearly a year the ban placed on  the sale of fuel in drums. Indeed, in a circular addressed to regional governors, dated 21 April 2022, the Minister of Water and Energy revealed that he had observed that petroleum products intended for local consumption are sold in cans and other non-regulatory containers outside Cameroon.

The sale of petroleum products in cans or any other container for destinations outside the national territory is strictly forbidden; companies approved for the export of petroleum products are required to present the exclusive authorisation of the Minister of Water and Energy during administrative controls,” the government member instructed.

Many contest this decision and deem it dangerous and criminal for Cameroonians. Francis Eyalla , President of the National Consumers Network strongly contradicts this decision and calls on the Minister to redraw his decision for the safety of its citizens .

This decision legitimizes a high risk of arson and other murders by petroleum products but also encourages the smuggling of petroleum products which is growing throughout the national territory under the eyes of all without any response from the competent authorities“.
Francis Eyalla goes further saying that this decision is a threat to security ”Nooo Mr. Minister…your decision is a serious danger for Cameroon. The  Minister of Water and Energy, Mr. Gaston ELOUNDOU ESSOMBA should be reminded  that this method of considering products will have strongly contributed to the burning of state buildings and other buildings and residences during the 2008 riots called “HUNGER RUMBLING” and we NEVER want that again”.
Through various social networks, he calls on the competent authorities to cancel this “SUICIDAL” and “CRIMINAL” authorization of the Minister of Water and Energy as a matter of urgency.
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