
Ethiopia: TPLF begins surrendering heavy weapons to federal army

The rebel Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) in the north of Ethiopia, has begun handing over heavy weapons to the…

The rebel Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) in the north of Ethiopia, has begun handing over heavy weapons to the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF), authorities confirmed on Wednesday.The first round of disarmament is a part of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement that the two sides signed two months ago to end the conflict which flared up in November 2020.

 The agreement involves the disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration of the TPLF combatants.

 On Tuesday, the TPLF handed over the first round of heavy weapons to the federal government in the Agula camp in the presence of officials of the African Union monitoring team deployed in the region last week.

Lt Col Aleme Tadele of the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) confirmed receiving different heavy weapons from around the camp located 36 kilometers northeast of Mekelle. 

The weapons include armored tanks, various artillery, rockets, mortars, and other heavy armor. 

“As per the peace deal, we have counted and received the heavy weapons in the Agula where the weapons were accumulated,” Lt Col Aleme said.

AU observer Brig Gen Adwa Peter said the beginning of the disarmament is a crucial move to help sustain the peace agreement. 

It provides insurance for sustainable peace by maintaining constitutionalism, the Brigadier General added. 

TPLF’s representative Mulugeta Gebrekristos said the handing over of the weapons will continue in areas where weapons are gathered.

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