
Doha mediation talks between Rwanda and DR Congo postponed

Rwanda has accused for the second time authorities in Kinshasa for disrupting efforts put in place by regional leaders to…

Rwanda has accused for the second time authorities in Kinshasa for disrupting efforts put in place by regional leaders to restore peace and stability in eastern DR Congo after meeting that set to take place in Doha, Qatar Monday between the Congolese and Rwandan presidents, Félix Tshisekedi and Paul Kagame was called off after the Congolese president pulled out.It is clear that the Congolese government had a role in encouraging the citizens to take part in the protests against the EAC regional force. But this is a force that has not even fully deployed its troops or accomplished its mission,” Alain Mukuralinda, the deputy Rwandan government spokesperson, told national television early Sunday,

Mukuralinda said Congolese leaders lied to the people that the EAC mission would be ‘a purely offensive mission’ to fight the M23 rebels.

According to Mukuralinda, the Luanda resolution was clear that the regional force would resort to military means only if the M23 did not comply with the and only the EAC leaders would approve the use of force.

“The facilitator [former Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta] has reported the issue,” he said.

In addition, the Rwandan official said government of Rwanda is troubled by Kinshasa’s deliberate deception with regard to the regional efforts for peace.

In a related development, Reports emerging from the corridors of power in Gombe, Kinshasa have it that one of the very powerful intermediaries of President Félix Tshisekedi with President Paul Kagame has been put behind bars.

According to a reliable source,  Fortunat Biselele, 51, a private advisor to the President was seized on January 14 by heavily armed agents of the National Intelligence Agency (ANR).

Biselele has been interrogated on security and financial subjects by the country’s spy chief Jean-Hervé Mbelu Biosha since Saturday January 14.

He was effectively stripped of his powers and dismissed from his role of Private advisor to the head of state.

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