
Cameroonian private firms showcased in Abidjan during AFC 2023

Cameroon is represented at this edition of the 2023 Africa CEO Forum by a delegation of officials led by the…

Cameroon is represented at this edition of the 2023 Africa CEO Forum by a delegation of officials led by the Prime Minister and Head of Government, Joseph Dion Ngute.

One of the biggest business meetings in Africa opened on Monday 05 June 2023 in the economic capital of Côte d’Ivoire. No fewer than 2,000 participants from private and public companies and governments from 70 countries around the world are expected to attend. Cameroon is also represented. The plenipotentiaries from the powerhouse of the Central African sub-region include representatives from various port sectors.

Among them was Mahmoud Moutarda, Managing Director of CAMVERT SA, an agro-industrial project led by Cameroonians. Its aim is to create a palm oil production and processing complex in the districts of Campo and Niété, in the southern region. The company’s ambition is to fill the structural deficit in palm oil, estimated at 200,000 tonnes a year.

The complex will comprise a 50,000-hectare industrial palm grove, supported by 5,000-hectare community palm groves for local residents under contract to CAMVERT; three processing units, each with a minimum long-term capacity of 60,000 tonnes of palm oil and 6,000 tonnes of palm kernel oil; three cogeneration plants, each with a capacity of 6,720 Kwe and 24t/h of steam, to produce the energy needed for the processing units and to supply domestic electricity; three anaerobic wastewater treatment plants to produce the gas and bio-fertilisers needed for the plantations; a biomass treatment unit to produce the chips and pellets needed for the cogeneration plants and the processing units.

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