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Cameroon-Triennial Youth Plan : 20 Billion F, 11,000 Projects And 35,000 Jobs In 7 Years

The announcement was made by Paul Biya, President of the Republic during his address to the youth on February 10,…

The announcement was made by Paul Biya, President of the Republic during his address to the youth on February 10, 2023.

Prior to the Youth Day celebration, Cameroon’s head of State addressed the country’s youth and called on them to show resilience and boldness. He enjoined his young compatriots to seize digital opportunities without losing themselves in the virtual world. Also, to explore self-employment in several areas such as mining and agriculture. Also, to avoid deviant behaviour.

“Unfortunately, this is the case in schools, where incivism, drug use, various forms of aggression and many other abuses are becoming more and more frequent. Such behaviour should be avoided, as it cannot benefit you. You should also avoid giving in to the temptation to seek refuge in the virtual world, with the abusive use of the Internet and digital platforms, at the risk of cutting yourself off from reality,” he said.

Regarding employment, which seems to be one of the greatest concerns of young people, the Head of State cited his efforts: “In order to promote your integration into the labour market, the State is carrying out actions aimed at promoting the entrepreneurial culture, which is necessary for the empowerment of the young population. This unveils the aim of the Triennial Special Youth Plan, which I prescribed in 2016. This mechanism has already made it possible to finance more than 11,000 projects in favour of young people and generated nearly 35,000 direct jobs, at a total cost of about CFAF 20 billion,” Paul Biya revealed in his speech.

He also instructed the government to accelerate the establishment of the Guarantee Fund for young entrepreneurs, by integrating a special window dedicated to the financing of projects of young people in the Diaspora.

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