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Cameroon : Toupouri Community Projects Brighter Future

Gathered around the Association for Solidarity and Promotion of Culture, they discussed the future of the Tupuri daughters and sons.…

Gathered around the Association for Solidarity and Promotion of Culture, they discussed the future of the Tupuri daughters and sons.


It is a new page that opens itself for the Toupouri community in Cameroon. Nationwide offsprings of the ethnic group belonging to the Association for Solidarity and Promotion of Culture were in consultation last week in Ngaoundéré. The aim of the meeting was to draw up an action plan for the next three years. These plans cover the cultural, social, educational, health and entrepreneurial fields.

Several resolutions were then adopted at the end of this meeting. From now on, the famous ‘Gurna‘ dance will be promoted. Moreover, a network of Toupouri entrepreneurs is being set up and the creation of health centres in Toupouri villages is being advocated for. As for the presidency of the association, Albert Ngouedar is the new national coordinator who will preside over the destiny of this association for the next three years.


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