LifeEducation, Life

Cameroon : Students Celebrated At Istag

The SA'A DJAMEN amphitheatre at the Fouda campus of Istag was the setting for a celebration of the success of…

The SA’A DJAMEN amphitheatre at the Fouda campus of Istag was the setting for a celebration of the success of first-year students.


Honouring knowledge. That is the message from the ceremony just held by the Institut Supérieur de Technologie Appliquée et de Gestion (ISTAG). Last week’s event focused on announcing the results of admissions to the 2nd year of the HND cycle. This is for the class of 2022-2023.

On Thursday 25 May, students in the Management, Information and Communication stream gathered in the Sa’a Djamen amphitheatre. In the presence of the school’s Director and the PCA, ISTAG celebrated its most deserving students with pomp and ceremony, announcing the results of their admission to the 2nd year of the HND cycle.

The next event is this Friday 02 June. ISTAG Awae campus will in turn host the ceremony to announce the results of admission to level 2 of the BTS cycle, academic year 2022-2023, at 10am sharp.

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