
Cameroon : Opposition Outcry against Possible Accession to Power of Franck Biya

Former Secretary Genaral at the Presidency and political actor Titus Edzoa during and interview on Naja TV advised Franck Biya …

Former Secretary Genaral at the Presidency and political actor Titus Edzoa during and interview on Naja TV advised Franck Biya  not to give in to the urge to succeed his father as head of state.



During this exchange, Titus Edzoa said that Franck Biya should not think that he can inherit his father’s heavy historical past without a fight, because it is an extremely heavy legacy outside of any moral sense.

I would like to tell him that he should not misunderstand this entourage, which in my opinion wants to use him. And sooner or later, he will become aware that they want to make him a puppet,” added Titus Edzoa.

Before this surgeon, former close collaborator of President Paul Biya, no militant of the CPDM , had dared to put on the index the scenario of a dynastic succession at the head of Cameroon. And yet, this exit is far from surprising within the political family of Titus Edzoa.

The reason is obvious. For the surgeon who spent 17 years behind bars for a case of embezzlement of public funds, is clearly at odds with the top of the CPDM. If he has a party card, Titus Edzoa has nothing of an ordinary militant. He has never been seen at a political rally, even during the celebration of Paul Biya’s 40 years in power on November 6. Moreover, in a recent interview, he made it known that his ambition is to replace Paul Biya at the head of the CPDM and at Etoudi Palace.

Before the interview to be broadcast this week on Naja TV, the opposition had also fuelled this debate by simply denouncing a scenario of “succession by mutual consent“, as Maurice Kamto again pointed out in his wishes to the nation on December 31. The national president of the Movement for the Rebirth of Cameroon (MRC), which came second in the 2018 presidential election, also appealed to the international community to avoid making the same mistakes in Cameroon as in neighbouring countries during periods of political changeover.

This outcry is gaining momentum as we approach 2025, the date of the next presidential election. Problem: Franck Biya has never revealed any political ambitions. He has also never endorsed the discourse of the so-called “Franckist” movements, which call for him to succeed his father. But if he does not show any proximity to Frankism, he has not yet disowned it.

In addition, his visits to some representative monarchs of the country, namely the Sultan of Bamoun and the Lamido of Rey-Bouba, contributed to animate the debate on a probable dynastic succession by mutual consent in Cameroon.

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