PoliticsPolitics, security

Cameroon: North-West, South-West Regions Hit By Series Of Attacks

Cameroon's military and civilian government personnel have been the main targets of a series of violent attacks in the two…

Cameroon’s military and civilian government personnel have been the main targets of a series of violent attacks in the two crisis-hit regions in recent weeks.

Around ten people have been killed in several attacks claimed by Anglophone separatists in the North West and South West regions of Cameroon. Many others have been injured. At least one civilian government employee was killed last week-end. Fonye Derick, Divisional Delegate for Sports and Physical Education in Donga Mantung, was killed in an attack claimed by separatists. The death of this civil servant occurred on the first week6end of June 2024. It marks a continuation of the violence that escalated in May in this crisis zone.

For example, on May 25, two explosions blamed on separatists killed two people and injured around thirty in a public house in Bamenda, the headquarter of the North West region. On May 20, suspected separatists assassinated the mayor of Belo and one of his assistants in the Boyo division of the North West region. The attackers took advantage of the 52nd National Unity Day celebrations to spread panic among the population.

Defence and security forces remain at the forefront, defending the integrity of the territory at the cost of their own lives. The crisis has been going on for eight years. Tired of the atrocities, the Cameroonian people are waiting for an end to the fighting and a return to peace.

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