LifeEducation, Life

Cameroon North West : 100 Students Reported Absent From FSCL Exams

They did not appear for the First School Leaving Certificate writing exam in the Donga Mantung Division. The Anglophone crisis…

They did not appear for the First School Leaving Certificate writing exam in the Donga Mantung Division.

The Anglophone crisis continues to rock the North West region, threatening the population. The latest news comes from the Donga Mantung division. In this area, authorities have just reported that nearly 110 students were absent during the First Certificate examination. Many say that this absence is due to the threat posed by the separatist fighters.

Speaking on CRTV National Station, Kevin Njodzeka, the North West Regional Delegate for Basic Education, said this could be the result of families being displaced: ‘The only problem where we don’t know what is happening is in Donga Mantung where almost 110 candidates are absent from the exam. But it could also be that the children have moved out of the region.” This year, the North West region registered 30,000 candidates for the above-mentioned exam.

On the other side, in the South West region, more than 29,000 students were enrolled for the exams, an increase of 6%. The FSCL was launched last Tuesday.


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