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Cameroon-Ngaoundéré: Road Fund Spearheads Delegation For Inspection Visits

The inspection mission was led by the representative of the institution's managers, François Soman and has been visiting the Adamaoua…

The inspection mission was led by the representative of the institution’s managers, François Soman and has been visiting the Adamaoua region since July 06, 2023. 

Assess the level of implementation of the works, plus the progress of services provided by co-contractors regarding payments. These are some of the objectives assigned to the Road Fund inspection mission. To this end, a delegation from the institution visited the headquarter of the Adamaoua region, Ngaoundéré, on 06 July. 

Headed by François Soman, representative of the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the delegation visited the construction of a double dalot on the Mayo Beka river, in the Ngaoundéré 1 subdivision, and emergency works to treat the Ngaoundéré-Garoua No. 1 national road. As stipulated in their roadmap, the Road Fund officials also assessed the technical management and maintenance of the Manwi weighing station in Ngaoundéré before moving on to the Martap and Ngaoundal districts.

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