
Cameroon : New Operator to Assist Hysacam in Household Waste Collection

Waste is accumulated all over the city of Yaounde making Living conditions difficult. It is on this that The Yaounde…

Waste is accumulated all over the city of Yaounde making Living conditions difficult. It is on this that The Yaounde City Council has called for a new operator for the collection of household waste, It is the company Thychlof Sarl.


The arrival of this new operator will improve the performance of the city in terms of cleanliness. “Our contribution will be truly visible, because we will support in terms of collection and transport of waste,” said the director of financial affairs (DAF) of Thychlof Sarl, Charles Onana Mvondo, whose company is present on the ground for several months. The company has started its activities in the Yaounde 3 district, with a first fleet of five rubbish trucks. The company plans to replenish its fleet for greater efficiency.

This project is undoubtedly supported by Yaounde’s Mayor Luc Messi Atangana “Hysacam was alone until now and overwhelmed by the volume of work. The new operator who has just arrived to support what was already done is to be congratulated,” said the mayor on Monday, January 23th.


The deployment of this new operator comes at a time of a rubbish crisis in Yaounde. The company Hygiene and Health of Cameroon (Hysacam), in charge of the collection, transport and treatment of household waste in the country, has been struggling for over a year to ensure the collection service. As a result, many neighborhoods are crumbling under the weight of waste. For the company, the irregular payment of its services by the state explains the inconvenience observed in the city. This situation is at the origin of the social movements observed in recent months within this company.

If the mayor of the city recognizes that the task is difficult for Hysacam, he blames this volume of work to the carelesness of the population. “The city council, with its partners, is making efforts to keep the city clean. We ask our people to know that they are the ones who produce the rubbish and they have the duty to manage it responsibly, instead of getting rid of it by depositing it either on the public highway, or on the roadside, or even in the yards of neighbours, “said Luc Messi Atangana.

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