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Cameroon: Minister Nalova Takes Stand Against Violence In Secondary Schools

The Minister of Secondary Education, Pauline Nalova Lyonga, has issued reminded educational stakeholders of the provisions designed to punish violence…

The Minister of Secondary Education, Pauline Nalova Lyonga, has issued reminded educational stakeholders of the provisions designed to punish violence in schools.

The government intends to use repressive measures against acts of violence in schools. As well as raising awareness, the Minister of Secondary Education, Pauline Nalova Lyonga , intends to apply the sanctions laid down by Cameroon’s laws and ordinances governing education and human relations. Among them is the law of April 4, 1998 on the organisation of education in Cameroon. Article 35 bans ‘physical abuse or any form of violence, discrimination, sale, distribution or consumption of alcohol, tobacco or narcotics’. 

Last Tuesday, January 9, Minister Pauline Nalova Lyonga explained for instance the provisions and content of the various ministerial notes. She did so while visiting the Nsam Bilingual Technical High School of Yaounde. On Monday, the day before the raid, some students were caught fighting. They used bladed weapons on the school premises. Explaining the dangers of violence in schools, the Minister warned students and teachers of criminal sanctions for violence in secondary schools.

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