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Cameroon : Ketcha Courtès Terminates Contract With Construction Firm

The Minister for Urban Development has terminated the contract with Soroubat CM in  Ngaoundéré for delay in delivering.   During…

The Minister for Urban Development has terminated the contract with Soroubat CM in  Ngaoundéré for delay in delivering.


During a visit to Adamaoua region headquarters, Ngaoundéré, the Minister for Housing and Urban Development, Célestine Ketcha Courtès, expressed her dissatisfaction with the work carried out by Soroubat CM. The company was responsible for the maintenance of 7km of buried roads.

The project, estimated to cost 2 billion francs, opened up the area from the Adama pharmacy to the gare marchandise road intersection. The minister found the company wanting, because after several months of extensions, as Cameroon Tribune reports, it is still behind schedule, and therefore in breach of the terms of the contract.

A formal notice has also been served to get another company to complete its task. HAB company, which is in charge of the Mardock-Carrefour cathedral emergency worksite. It has been given a further two months to complete the work.


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