
Cameroon Govt Plans Construction of an Ultramodern Market in Douala

The announcement was made on February 26 during the 6th session of the Steering and Monitoring Committee of the said…

The announcement was made on February 26 during the 6th session of the Steering and Monitoring Committee of the said project under the leadership of the Minister of Decentralisation and Local Development (Minddevel), Georges Elanga Obam in Yaounde.


This is a real boon for the populations of the city of Douala in the Littoral region. Indeed, they will benefit in the coming days from an ultramodern market. This is what came out of the 6th session of the Steering and Monitoring Committee of this project held and chaired on 26 February 2023, by the Minister of Decentralization and Local Development (Minddevel), Georges Elanga Obam in Yaounde.

I am aware of the fact that a project as huge as the one about to start will make many people homeless and frustrated because their houses will be destroyed. I promise to compensate all those who will be victims of the demolition exercise around the market construction area and I will also plead for those around the municipalities of Douala 2 and 5 who are beginning to prepare and make plans on how to rehouse themselves so that they are not caught unawares,” Georges Elanga Obam hammered in his remarks.

Financed to the tune of 1.8 billion CFA francs by the State through the Urban Community of Douala (CUD) in collaboration with the Special Fund for Equipment and Intercommunal Intervention (Feicom), the said project will be carried out in the Logbessou district. The objectives are to stimulate the local economy, encourage the establishment of new businesses and contribute to the reduction of the unemployment rate in this city.

In addition, in its technical sheet, the construction of this ultramodern market on an area of 59 hectares in the city of Douala will be composed of commercial centres for the sale of wholesale and retail products, restaurants, checkpoints and livestock market. According to the government member, the said market will have 400 warehouses reserved for wholesale sellers and 400 spaces for traders specialising in retail sales.

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