
Cameroon Govt Launches Food Sale Promotions

The Ministry of Trade is organising from 27 to 28 February 2023 in Yaounde "a promotional sale of consumer products"…

The Ministry of Trade is organising from 27 to 28 February 2023 in Yaounde “a promotional sale of consumer products” with the aim of fighting against the high cost of living.



This sale will be coupled with “tasting sessions of pasta ‘Made in Cameroon’ and some brands of rice”. The target of this campaign to fight against the high cost of living are the students of the University of Yaounde I and those of the University of Yaounde II-Soa.

For nearly two years, Cameroon has been experiencing galloping inflation, which is drying up the household basket. According to the National Institute of Statistics (INS), the causes of the increase in market prices are “the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, the persistent effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, the depreciation of the CFAF against the dollar, the readjustment of fuel prices at the pump and the new tax provisions of the 2023 finance law.

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