As of 1 January 2023, each candidate for the various examinations in the field of basic education will have to pay almost double the previous amount.
From now on, instead of 3,500 FCFA, the candidate for the Certificate of Primary Studies (CEP), the First School Leaving Certificate, the Concours d’entrée en 6è or the Common Entrance Examination will pay 6,000 FCFA to register. According to a note from the Ministry of Basic Education, sub-directorate of the organisation of examinations and competitions addressed to regional delegates, departmental delegates, district delegates and school directors, these fees are increasing due to the finance law for the year 2023.

This law promulgated by President Paul Biya on 27 December 2022 sets the increase of the fiscal stamp fee from 1000 FCFA to 1500 FCFA. This increase impacts on all the documents to be provided in the registration process for the various examinations and competitions. The note from the Ministry below specifies the new modalities of collection, conservation and management of registration fees.