It is through the voice of the Secretary General of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications that the merit of the company Huawei was recognized.
The organisation of the Central African Digital Fair between February 22 to 24 was an opportunity to highlight the progress made by the various countries of the sub-region in terms of technological evolution.
If we can be proud of experimenting the fourth-generation technology in Cameroon, it should however be stressed that this has not always been the case. It is therefore a merit to be attributed to the government’s partner like Huawei, as the Secretary General of the Ministry of Posts and telecommunications, Mohamadou Saoudi underscored. He was speaking at the opening of the Central Africa Digital Fair on the contribution of Huawei in Cameroon’s digital ecosystem, “we believe that think that Huawei plays a fundamental and very important role in that it delivers equipment and provide technical support (the company provides digital solutions in terminals, networks and cloud editor’s note). It is one of the partners that works with all the operators,” Mohamadou Saoudi.

Indeed, the company specialising in the provision of ICT solutions has since its arrival in Cameroon in 2005 provided its support regarding the exploitation of the country’s digital potential. For Edmonde Djiokeng Teboh, Huawei’s Public Relations Director in the CEMAC zone, “Huawei in Cameroon today accompanies operators and companies in the digitization process. We have today made a significant contribution to the development of the digital economy. This is a promising sector and we believe that through this support, many more actions in the digital economy will allow us to bring together the players in order to carry Cameroon.”

To promote the emergence of the digital economy, the equipment manufacturer has invested in supporting start-ups, supporting young people in their training, mainly for those who study ICT. This is through scholarships and fairs organized to enable these young people to obtain better skills.