
Cameroon: Buea Bishop Suspends Two Priests 

Men of God who have reached the end of their mission in the US are refusing to return to their…

Men of God who have reached the end of their mission in the US are refusing to return to their home dioceses.

Henry Amin DohTutuwan and Felix Nkafu were suspended from the ministry of the Catholic Church in Buea. According to a circular issued by Bishop Michael Miabesue BIBI on the 2nd of October, the sanction will take effect from the 1st of October 2023. The two priests are suspended from exercising the sacred mystery associated with the ministry.

According to the canon law, this suspension has a number of effects. These include a ban on celebrating Mass in public, a ban on celebrating Mass in private and a ban on administering the sacraments, with the exception of the sacrament of Penance in the case of danger to life. He stressed that the penalty could only be lifted if the two priests showed their commitment to resuming their evangelical mission in the Buea Diocese.

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