
Cameroon : Bamoun Culture Showcased In Morocco

The Sultan King of Bamoun, Mouhamed Nabil Mforifoum Mbombo Njoya is in Morocco as part of an international conference entitled,…

The Sultan King of Bamoun, Mouhamed Nabil Mforifoum Mbombo Njoya is in Morocco as part of an international conference entitled, ‘The invention of writing and the state of narrative in African languages’.


One of the prides of the Bamoun people, as for any other people, is its culture. The Bamoun culture has this peculiarity about its civilization, the invention at the end of the 19th century of the  ‘a ka u Ku alphabet and of the ‘shö-mum’ language commonly called Bamoun.

To return to the origins of this culture and further enlighten public opinion on it, the Sultan king of Bamoun, Nabil Mforifoum, this January 18, 2023 in Morocco, make a speech. Attached to his presentation will be the intervention of the journalist Azize Mbohou on the theme of If the Bamoun kingdom was told to me as a tale. A session chaired by Professor Eugène Ebodé.

It is within the framework of an international symposium organized by the Academy of the  Morocco Kingdom. An initiative that aims to promote and facilitate the circulation of African cultural legacy.

Thus, the Bamoun culture is part of many other African cultures that will be highlighted during this cultural break. The organizers are planning for encounters with, among others, Professor Konrad Tuchscherer, teacher of the Shö-mum language at St. John’s from New York, the gallery owner, André Magin, the visual artist Zulu Mbaye, Professor Bachir Tamsir.

The cultural meeting will be held from January 18 to 20 this year


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