
Cameroon – Anglophone crisis: Ten soldiers killed in a week

In the past week, several soldiers have been killed in various attacks attributed to separatist fighters. In Bamenda  alone, four…

In the past week, several soldiers have been killed in various attacks attributed to separatist fighters.

In Bamenda  alone, four defence and security force agents were killed. According to security sources, a soldier was kidnapped and his body found on 11 January at Nchuobuh Junction, in the Bamenda 2 district. Another soldier was killed on 14 January. The circumstances of the death of the other two are unknown.

Last weekend, separatist militiamen also attacked an army post near Mamfé Bridge in Manyu . Some sources deny that soldiers were killed, while others announce the death of a man in uniform. Military equipment was also reportedly taken away by the attackers.

On 14 January, an attack was reported in Mbengwi. An army vehicle was blown up by an improvised mine. The separatists, who claimed responsibility for the attack, said that around ten people were killed. This is not confirmed by the military sources contacted, who nevertheless refrain from communicating an assessment.

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